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Washington, DC (May 11, 2021) — Character.org, a national advocate and leader for character development in schools and communities, today certified 47 schools and 1 district as National Schools of Character. Schools in Brazil and Mexico were also certified.

“We are pleased to announce and celebrate the schools and school district that have earned this national recognition,” said Dr. Arthur Schwartz, President of Character.org. “The educators at these schools model and reinforce the core values of respect and dignity. They are teaching their students to be honest and trustworthy, to contribute their time and talents to the common good, and when necessary, to show the courage to stand up for what is right.”

Since its inception, the National Schools of Character program has impacted over 3 million students, staff, parents, and community members. The schools and districts that apply must meet the rigorous standards articulated in Character.org’s 11 Principles Framework for Schools. Each school is assessed by a team of trained evaluators.

“We congratulate these schools for completing the application and review process in a year that has been anything but typical,” adds Lori Soifer, who directs the Schools of Character program. “Each of these schools has put in place a comprehensive approach to help students understand, care about, and consistently practice the character strengths that will help them flourish in school, in relationships, in the workplace, and as citizens.”

Character.org will honor the 2021 National Schools of Character at its next Annual Forum, to be held virtually, October 20-22, 2021. The complete list of the 2021 National Schools of Character is attached to this release. Learn more about the district and schools being certified today on our website.

About Character.org: Founded in 1993, Character.org is a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C. Our mission is to provide the voice, visibility, and resources for educators to build nurturing and supportive school cultures that focus on core values and character strengths vital to student and school success. Character.org is widely known for its 11 Principles, a comprehensive framework developed by school leaders and character development researchers. During the past 20 years, more than 1,000 schools and school districts – after an independent and rigorous evaluation process – have been certified as National Schools of Character. The vision for Character.org is to expand our work to families, sports, and the workplace.

Schools of Character Press Contact: Lori Soifer.

Read the full press release.



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