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The Character Strengths of our Past Presidents

By Dr. Arthur Schwartz The title of the book immediately grabbed my attention. Hear Ye! Hear Ye!: Wit and Wisdom of U.S. Presidents as Character Professors is written by Jim Tervo, a recently retired corporate lawyer who loves reading biographies of U.S. presidents....

Celebrating CHARACTER COUNTS! Week

By Dr. Arthur Schwartz I hope your family, school, and community are all celebrating Character Counts! Week (October 20-26). Since 1993, the President of the United States, along with the U.S. Senate, governors, and officials across our nation, have proclaimed the...

5 Things I Learned Working on Our Early Childhood eBook

By Dr. Arthur Schwartz I am excited to share the release of our new publication, Growing Goodness: How 12 Schools Are Fostering Character in Early Childhood. The link to download the free eBook is below. What an honor it was for me to collaborate with school leaders...

A Grateful Heart

By Dr. Arthur Schwartz I love aphorisms and maxims. One of my favorites is by Max De Pree. In his book Leadership is an Art, he writes that leaders have two core responsibilities: “The first responsibility is to define reality. The second is to say thank you.”...

It’s Time For a National Dialogue on Character

By Dr. Arthur Schwartz  During this election season, I’ve heard the phrase “America’s character” a lot. Candidates from both parties are expressing their concern that our nation’s character is in danger. At Character.org, we believe character is the foundation – the...

Service-Learning: Empowering students to practice their civic character

By Dr. Arthur Schwartz  I am excited to share with you the release of our new publication Developing Student Leaders Through Service-Learning. The link to download the free E-book is below. It was an honor for me to collaborate on every aspect of the publication with...