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Celebrating Character Lab

By Dr. Arthur Schwartz  This past week Character Lab announced that they will be sunsetting their operations in June. I’m bummed. Over a decade ago, after Angela Duckworth’s research on grit became widely known, she co-founded the nonprofit Character Lab. The...


By Dr. Arthur Schwartz  When was the last time you stopped yourself and said, “Right at this moment, am I being open-minded?” For me, it was this past week. Several months ago, I was in Boston at a Kern Foundation convening. One of the organizers was Dr. Samantha...

The Anonymous Confession of a Compulsive Liar

By Dr. Arthur Schwartz  For the past three years, with a grant from The School for Ethical Education, Character.org has invited students worldwide to write a “Law of Life” essay. Our writing prompt encourages middle school and high school students “to reflect and...

5 Wise Steps To Forming Our Character

By Dr. Arthur Schwartz  When people ask me to define character, I often reply that character is “goodness in action.” But this definition doesn’t address how we come to know, care about, or practice goodness. That’s why I love sharing with students of all ages (PreK...

Do Our Kids Need A Jolt of Responsibility?

By Dr. Arthur Schwartz  The New York Times calls Jon Haidt’s new book The Anxious Generation “erudite and engaging.”  I urge every parent and educator to learn more about his data-driven argument that the anxiety and depression plaguing our tweens and teens are...

Helping Young People Develop an “Above and Beyond” Mindset

By Dr. Arthur Schwartz  Congress established National Medal of Honor Day in 1991 to “foster public appreciation and recognition of Medal of Honor recipients.” Our lawmakers chose March 25 because on that date in 1863 the first Medal of Honor was awarded to six Union...