Featured Posts
What Parents Can Do When Their Children Are Stealing
What did I do wrong? Am I a bad parent? Is my child destined for a life of crime? Read Dr. Cohen’s blog to learn more about what parents can do when their child is stealing.
Why Do Kids Lie? – A Conversation with Dr. Kang Lee and Dr. Debra Cohen
Dr. Kang Lee is a developmental psychologist who studies moral development and the development of lying in children between 2 and 16 years of age. He is a Distinguished Professor at the University of Toronto.
What Parents Can Do When Their Children Are Lying
Honesty is a keepsake, a gift that parents give to their children. But do parents know how to raise children who care about being honest? When to intervene? What to say? What not to say? Read Dr. Debra Cohen’s blog to learn more about what parents can do when kids lie.
Champions For Character – Parents & Families
Character.org is proud to recognize Manners of the Heart (MOH) for inspiring and empowering parents and families to model and foster the core values that shape the hearts, minds, and choices of their children and teens.
Character Champions
Dr. Condoleezza Rice
Former Secretary of State, Dr. Condoleezza Rice, shared with us how her parents and mentors shaped her character.
Featured Book
The Resilience Workbook for Kids
Fun CBT Activities to Help You Bounce Back from Stress and Grow from Challenges
The Resilience Workbook for Kids* offers engaging activities grounded in evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and positive psychology to help your child recover from difficult experiences. Your child will learn how to “make friends with” their emotions, focus on the things in life that make them happy, and connect with what really matters to them. Finally, your child will discover how helping others can make them feel good about themselves, so they can move beyond feelings like sadness, fear, and anger. *affiliate link
Interested in learning more?
These organizations can help get you started:
Families of Character
Provides parents and families with the tools to instill character in their homes.
Generation Text Online
Helps schools develop an environment of trust between parents and staff.
Harvest Time Partners
Provides resources to support and encourage individuals and families, to reach their full potential.
The Center for Parent & Teen Communication
Subscribe to their weekly newsletter for practical tips to strengthen family connections.