Inspiring Character
Guest Writer Guidelines
Are you passionate about character development and interested in sharing your thoughts with a diverse audience? Look no further! Our platform welcomes guest bloggers to contribute their ideas and insights.
Our readership includes teachers, school supervisors, academics, and parents who are invested in character development. We offer tools and tips that make cutting-edge research practical and accessible, real-world examples of how character changes lives, and pluck-your-heartstrings stories that open hearts. To ensure that your blog post is a good fit for our audience, please follow these guidelines:
Word Count: Ideally, your blog post should be between 400 to 900 words. Please keep it concise and engaging. We recommend not exceeding 1000 words to maintain readability.
– Style: Write in a clear and accessible style. As our audience is primarily based in the U.S, please use English. If you reference a statistic or a recent event, please provide a link to the research or article for readers to learn more. Any scientific research should be described so it is understandable to your parents.
– Format & Editing: Our team will edit all submissions for grammar and style before publication. We may break up long paragraphs to improve readability. Keep your blog title short and simple, ideally no more than eight words.
– Author Bio: Your bio and headshot will appear alongside your blog post, linking to your website. Please keep your bio brief (25-50 words). Avoid adding additional information within the text of your post unless you are posting for someone else.
– Images: We welcome image submissions with your blog post, as long as you have the rights to the image and provide a brief caption and credit. We can also embed a video in your post using either the URL or the embed code.
We look forward to reading your contributions and sharing your ideas with our audience!
If you would like to submit a proposal for an article, or have any questions, please contact John Kabashinski, Director of Communications & Marketing.