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Sold Out Youth Foundation, our valued partner, has reached out to us with an important message regarding Fentanyl on National Fentanyl Awareness Day, which is May 7th.

Fentanyl remains the leading cause of death among teenagers in our country.

We recognize that as educators, you are already well aware of the growing crisis and its impact on your community and beyond. Recent findings from the DEA have proven to be alarming: last year, over 79 million illicit pills were seized, with a staggering 70% containing lethal doses of fentanyl. Shockingly, 42% of these pills have enough fentanyl to be fatal.

Many students are unknowingly exposed to this dangerous substance through products promoted on social media platforms like TikTok and Snapchat. This highlights an urgent need for education and prevention, particularly among our youth.

To bring this crucial conversation into your classroom, we offer the unwavering support of the Sold Out Youth Foundation. Here’s some ideas from Sold Out on how you can make a difference:

1. Watch: Share a 12-minute video that breaks down the real dangers of fentanyl and counterfeit pills, equipping your students with essential tools and resources to protect themselves and their peers. This classroom-friendly video can be viewed here.

2. Discuss: Utilize Sold Out’s discussion guide, specifically designed to assist teachers and counselors in facilitating conversations that allow students to process the information and safely express their thoughts.

3. Go Deeper with the Fentanyl Lesson: Enhance students’ understanding and awareness of fentanyl by incorporating our comprehensive fentanyl lesson, which explores the topic in greater depth, building upon the insights gained from the initial video. Access this valuable lesson here.

Homework: Encourage students and parents to watch an impactful six-minute video that sheds light on the real dangers of fentanyl and counterfeit pills. The video can be found here.

4. Parents: We understand the significance of involving parents in this educational journey. To bolster your efforts, we have introduced new resources, including an all-encompassing online parental curriculum covering fentanyl and other dangerous drugs that impact students. You can access the parental curriculum here: https://soldouttv.com/parental-curriculum/ password: parent100

Your active participation is essential in combating this crisis. We sincerely thank you for your unwavering dedication to the safety and well-being of your students. Sold Out remains fully committed to continuously providing lifesaving tools and resources for schools, parents, and students.

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